Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Learning Tarot

Learning Tarot

The Tarot is a deck of cards now commonly used in 'fortune telling', or divination. Divination using cards is called cartomancy. The deck consists of four numbered suits like a regular deck of playing cards, and twenty two picture cards numbered one through twenty-two (in some decks, zero through twenty-one).
The cards appeared at roughly the same time as the now-universal 52-card deck, and it is a matter of dispute which came first. The Tarot deck has fourteen cards in each suit, versus thirteen for playing cards; the Tarot 'court cards' include a page along with the knight (knave), queen and king.

The twenty-two picture cards, now called the Major Arcana (the suited cards are the Minor Arcana), were originally permanent trump cards. That is, in a trick-taking game, any picture card would take a trick over a suit-card. They illustrate universal story themes; the Fool is a young man setting off on a journey with a pack slung over his shoulder. He is often depicted not watching where he's going, and about to walk off the edge of a cliff, while a small dog yaps at his heels in warning. Other cards depict concepts rather than people - the wheel of fortune is fate or karma, and the figure of Judgment is justice in all its forms.
The suits have direct analogies to standard playing cards: swords are spades, cups are hearts, pentacles (coins, discs) are diamonds and wands (staves) are clubs.

Uses of Tarot

The use of the Tarot as a tool for telling fortunes is of fairly recent invention, dating back to the end of the eighteenth century. The most familiar deck is the so-called Rider-Waite deck. The designs were by Arthur Waite, a member of the occult society Order of the Golden Dawn, in collaboration with artist Pamela Colman Smith, so the deck is sometimes called the Waite-Smith deck. It was first published by the Rider Company in 1909.
Hundreds of different Tarot decks now exist. Decks that downplay or remove the Christian symbolism are increasingly popular, and some feminist decks significantly downplay the male dominant roles found in traditional decks. Some decks have discarded the suit system altogether and are structured around different themes - animals in a Native American inspired deck, for example.
What else can tarot be used for?
Uses for Tarot cards are varied. They can of course be used in a traditional fortune telling layout. But they can also be used as inspiration cards, affirmation tools, or for self-discovery and intuition building.
Studying Tarot
Today we are concentrating on Tarot; this information gives you a flavour of what it is all about.  Our courses provide you with all you need to start practising as a professional therapist or palmistry or tarot reader. You can take as little or as long as you like to study. Remember your diploma and exam are all in the price of the course, so there are no extra costs.
Students of Tarot
As soon as students enrol we guarantee that your course is either ready for immediate download or if purchased as part of our amazing value holistic package that it will be with you no later than 24hrs.
Many of our students have commented on how easy it is to study; our courses are comprehensive, easy to follow and fun.  Within a short length of time they have been able get back the price of the course, been able to work as many hours as they want and earn quite a lot of money in doing something that they love to do.
Our personal tutor service includes support before and after study – we can offer advice on how you get started.   We include some personal marketing tips should you need them – again much more than our competitors can offer.  Our team has many years experience in holistic therapies, palmistry/tarot reading, training and marketing so we know that we can offer the best advice available.

Where are Angels?

What do Angels mean to you?

What do angels represent to you? Would you like to learn how to tap into their energy and communicate with your angels. We often may say a little prayer, and when we do this we are sending out a vibrational energy and if we can learn how to tune in, we can learn how to listen to their reply. Angels embody some of the greatest qualities: compassion, love, understanding, non-judgement, contentment and peace. Angels bring these beautiful and special things down to earth. They are messengers and you will be able to hear and learn how to understand their messages for you.

How do Angels help you?
Some say we each have our own angel with us all the time that watches over us from birth. Angels also come in and out of our lives all the time but most of us are unaware of their presence. You will learn the different names of the the many angels that are present and how each one can help us on both an emotional level and spiritual level and how by connecting with their energy you can learn to heal yourself and others. Often angels appear either unobserved or observed in times of great crisis. They have often been seen by many people at their time of departure from their earthly body, both by themselves and medical staff. You may hear someone calling your name and when you look there is no one there, you can be sure they are just trying to let you know they are nearby. Angels come in many forms, both human, supernatural, animals, visions of light etc...

Do you need faith to work with Angels?
To believe in something is to give your thoughts an energy and as angels heal on this vibrational energy then without doubt your power of belief will help you when you are tuning in, however there are many people who have reported that they have no belief whatsoever but have been convinced they have been helped or guided by some supernatural power that they dont necessarily understand but yet have been convinced enough afterwards to open up their minds to other possibilities for us in to define these subtle energies. For most people will say they have had a feeling or a sense, or just a knowing.

In this 2 part course you well learn whenever we require any help and guidance we only need to call upon our angels. The angels will always be ready to help and assist. This course will show you step by step how to contact your angels and also to heal with the aid of angels. Once you have completed this course you may then like to continue your journey with our Advanced Angel Therapy Diploma Course. 

Course material includes some of the following:

Connecting with your Angels

Information on the archangels

Link with crystals and angels

How to meditate

Setting up an angel alter to easily connect

Chakras, What they are and how you can work with them

Essential Oils and how to use them


Introducing your angels and how to call on them for guidance and help

Programming your stones and where to place them and much more,

Enrol Today - Immediate Download

Sunday, 22 March 2015

Career Packages in Holistic Therapies

Luna Holistics Accredited Training Courses - Save over 50%

We have a large range of fully accredited Alternative therapy and healing courses that you can study from home.

Whether you wish to learn for fun or would like to start a new career as a professional therapist you will be supported all the way. Once you have completed any of our courses you will then be eligible to obtain insurance cover and become a certified Healer. 

Career Package Offers: 

Counselling Career Package Includes: -

Holistic Counselling Foundation Certificate Course
NLP Certificate Course
Life Coaching Diploma Course

Spiritual Development Career Package Includes:-

Tarot Diploma Course
Palmistry Diploma Course
Psychic & Spiritual Development Certificate Course

Crystal Therapist Career Package includes:-

Crystal Healing Diploma Course
Advanced Crystal Therapy Diploma Course
Chakra & Aura Therapy Certificate Course

Massage Career Package Includes:-

Basic Aromatherapy Certificate Course
Advanced Aromatherapy Diploma Course
Indian Head Massage Diploma Course
Reflexology Diploma Course
Hot Stone Massage Diploma Course

Energy Practitioner Package Includes:-

Reiki Level 1
Reiki Level 2
Energy Healing 

Mix N Match:- 

You can purchase any of our courses either as part of our bronze, silver or gold package offers or just choose one. You can mix n match a package to suit you, choose from any of the following:

Angel Healing
Advanced Angel Therapy - Angel Healing Basic foundation course recommended 
Basic Aromatherapy
Advanced Aromatherapy - Basic qualification in massage should be held before requesting this course
Chakra and Aura Therapy 
Crystal Therapy
Crystal Magic Advanced - Basic knowledge of crystals is recommended if requesting this course
Colour Therapy,
Energy Healing
Basic First Aid
Feng Shui
Holistic Counselling
Health & Nutrition Therapy
Hot Stone Massage - Basic qualification in massage should be held before requesting this course
Hopi Ear Candling
Indian Head Massage
Life Coaching - NLP recommended if taking this course
Reiki Level 1
Reiki Level 2 (must hold a reiki level 1 certificate)
Tarot Reading Diploma
Psychic Development

Accreditation - When students have successfully passed the examinations, they are issued with a Diploma/Certificate that is recognised by the International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine (IPHM) the American Association of Drugless Practitioners (AADP) and the International Institute of Complementary Therapists (IICT) Graduates of which will then be eligible to apply to be board certified holistic health practitioners through the AADP, IPHM and request Holistic Insurance cover

Visit our website for More Details or Enrol today and download instantly

Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Holistic Counselling Courses

Holistic Counselling

Your guide to counselling

Using a Holistic approach means that we should be engaging and developing the whole person. We have conscious and unconscious aspects, rational and irrational aspects. We are a body-mind. People are not just intellect, but emotion, instinct and intuition are all part of us as human beings. By taking a holistic approach you support people in using all of their ‘multiple intelligence’ that means insight, rationality, logic, emotion, hunches, gut feel, creativity, a sense of harmony and rhythm. We believe there are more than five senses, and we wish people to use the information from all their senses, and assist them in developing ‘uncommon sense’.

What we hope to achieve when we offer holistic counselling

Counselling empowers the individual to find their own answers in response to their own questions. It is non – judgemental and will only lead the individual as far as they want to travel on that particular journey. It is a supported therapy with an experienced therapist who can assist the client in their own particular process. This can also involve working with other healing techniques at the same time such as Reiki, Colour, Crystal, Angel, Energy and Chakra therapies etc…

If you take counselling seriously then we also recommend that you take a look at other counselling courses such as life coaching and NLP. 

What a course in Holistic Counselling will help you to achieve

When you have completed this particular course you will be able to identify and help with the following problems:-

Helping your client to identify and deal with problems
Helping to promote a more positive outlook on your clients life and thinking
Listening skills and how be an active and a reflective listener
How to prepare for a consultation
Importance of Body Language
Breathing exercises 
Counselling techniques and skills
Understanding the spiritual/emotional / and physical body 
The Chakra System
Energy healing 
How to complete a treatment card and consent form
Healer preparations
Professional ethics

Enrol in Holistic Counselling Today

Saturday, 14 March 2015

Healing With Colour

Training as a Colour Therapist

By Luna Holistics - Professional Home Study Course Providers


How to Order & What is Included

When you order your course from Luna Courses and your payment has cleared you will be sent an immediate download link so that you may open your course files immediately. You will have access to our student library with videos, tips and helpful links as well as full tutor support. Your course includes your accredited qualification which will be sent to you on successful completion via pdf ready for you to print off. You will also have the option to have a hard, stamped and signed copy sent to you direct. Please note this option does incur a postal charge.

Course Details 3 parts – 30-40hrs study time aprox

Colour therapy also known as chromotherapy is a non-invasive therapy that makes use of the healing energy contained within visible rays of colour. It is a complementary therapy, which works in a subtle way with many other types of treatment, although it can be used on its own whist still giving excellent results.

Colour can be used to balance energy, aid creativity and learning, release blocks and help alleviate physical, emotional and mental conditions. Colour therapists encourage people to understand why they need certain colours and show them how to put these colours to beneficial use in order to promote optimum health. Colour therapy is used throughout the world as a
Luna Holistics – Professional Course Providers

complementary treatment for a wide range of illnesses: asthma, arthritis, eating disorders, skin diseases, digestive ailments, blood and circulation problems, fevers, rheumatism, shock, relief of pain and as part of the treatment for serious illnesses such as paralysis, multiple sclerosis, M.E, cancers and Aids. It is also used to great effect in the treatment of nervous and mental disorders and depression.

Wherever it has been possible Luna Online Home Studies has incorporated pictures, diagrams and exercises to help you understand the subject and practice of Colour Therapy.

Benefits of having knowledge and skills in Colour Therapy

To have knowledge and possess skills in this subject can be a useful tool to assist yourself and others in dealing with mental and emotional difficulties and help treat certain medical conditions; it is the beginning of a fascinating and exciting journey into the world of Colour Therapy.
Overview of Part 1, 2 and 3 of the Complete Guide and Practice of Colour Therapy
This is a comprehensive course, hence its title, when students have successfully completed the course and their examination they can begin to practice professionally as a Colour Therapist.

Part 1
Lesson 1 starts with an introduction and history of the subject, and how to take a colour test on you.
Lesson 2 continues with the science of colour, the visible spectrum, addictive primary colours and complementary colours, information on colour hue, saturation and luminance (with examples).
Lesson 3 explains the philosophy of colour therapy, the effects and the subtle anatomy, the aura, aura colours and what they are, how to see the aura and the 7 chakras, their colours, primary functions, associated element and their symbols.

Part 2
Lesson 4 of the Complete Guide and Practice of Colour Therapy explains the psychology of colour, counselling and art therapy, the colours and their meanings, colour dislikes and colour tests and finally relationships revealed through colour.
Lesson 5 continues with music, fragrance and colour, your life song (numerology), using music with colour therapy.
Lesson 6 concludes with colour in dress, decor and the environment by explaining seasonal personalities and colour, the use of colour in dress, colour for the home and how it can be used in different rooms for best effect.

Part 3
Lesson 7 begins with colour breathing and visualisation and an exercise on universal breathing which is a yoga technique. This section then continues with the power of the mind and an exercise on using our minds with breathing for a powerful effect and how it can change the conditions around us, colour breathing in health and beauty and an exercise on sending a colour to an area you wish to heal. Finally this lesson ends with information on colour affirmations, colour and rainbow meditation.
Lesson 8 continues with colour and diet and what the colour of different foods stands for and how they help certain conditions (also included details of the different foods).
Lesson 9 covers details of the different colour treatments, including chromotherapy (light therapy), colour acupuncture/colour reflexology, colour related diet, bach flower remedies and essential oils, art and music therapy, silk scarf treatment, crystal treatments and colour breathing and meditation. Finally Lesson 10 details different colours and how they can be used to treat certain conditions, and lastly colour therapy in practice which gives hints and tips for the professional therapist. This section concludes with a sample client treatment card.

Learning Review
After each group of lessons, a list of related questions and answers has been provided to enable students to review their learning.

When you have successfully passed your examination you will then be issued with a qualification that is recognised by the International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine (IPHM) the American Association of Drugless Practitioners (AADP) and the International Institute of Complementary Therapists (IICT) Graduates of which will then be eligible to apply to be board certified holistic health practitioners through the AADP, IPHM and request Holistic Insurance with both the IPHM & IICT.