Friday, 10 April 2015

Working with Angels - Case Study

Angel Healing Session mixed with a Angel Guidance & Clairvoyance Reading.

This person is a regular client of mine over the last year and is a Self Employed Business man with high stress levels due to his position. He also suffers a lot of back and Hip pain due to his type of Industry ( nursery man ) and often books Healing Sessions with me. He has a strong belief/Interest In Clairvoyance and Mediumship and Is a regular for Psychic Guidance also. Mr X often chooses to blend the sessions for convenience for himself and also due to time management due to his Business commitments.

Mr X was originally booked today for a quick 20 minute Psychic Clairvoyance session to follow up on some Business advice that he sought past and has now approached the next level so wanted to check In on this. He rang to extend to a Chios &  Crystal Reiki Healing blend due to suffering severe back pain earlier In the week and we decided to try adding the Angel Healing blend to the mix to check the results achievable for him. He loves to try out new Therapies and Is always putting his hand up to try my new additions to the Healing Room.

1pm - Client arrives for his healing clairvoyance session and after greeting we go Into my Healing room/ Reading Office where today we will start with the Angel Healing session/Energy Healing  and follow on with the Clairvoyance/ Psychic Guidance to end the session.  I feel this allows time for relaxing after a healing whilst I read for him.  This has worked well with clients wanting both the In person Healings and Psychic Clairvoyance bookings in one session past. I prefer In person In house bookings to do sessions separately If possible, however for some clients this Is not always a practical or viable option due to time constraints.

I had asked Mr X to write a list down of the areas he most felt help/healing was needed In on the treatment sheet before session and he brings this list with him. For Mr X this list contains more of his personal wishes ( abundance In Business, New Sales Growth, loyal and dependable staff etc ) more so then his healing wishes although he has added health and healing to his list.  We take a seat at reading desk  and I give him some lemon water to sip on as we discuss what he hopes to achieve and what Is on his list . We chat on the issues for around 10 minutes and during this time he tells me he has asked his guides for help, but we will again do this In session ( well now just before ) and then Invoke Arch Angel Michael  to work with us during this Healing Session today.

I am an energy healer so I tend to work with a blend of therapies ( each one varied for every client and their own situations to gain the best results for them ). Mr X is a pretty standard stress case of a self employed Business man  and I normally work with a mix of Chios and Reiki on him and will do the same today with the added guidance, strength and help of Arch Angel Michael.

After discussing his list and how he has been going with his lower back and hip pain since the last visit I ask Michael to take his place on the coach so we can begin the Angelic Energy Healing Session.

The Healing room has already been set up before clients appointment and I have placed some lit scented candles ( white candles lavender scented for relaxation and ambience  ) and I have my basket of selected Crystals placed on the healing table beside the Healing Couch.

To start the session I cleanse the area and call In the Arch Angels to help with this Healing and give them permission to use me as a conduit to channel their healing energies to him in all areas, Physical, Mental, Emotional, Spiritual he has blockages In and/or require healing.

I specifically call on Arch Angel Michael personally for his Healing abilities and again ask him to guide me through this healing and give him permission to use me as a conduit to work for my clients higher good In all areas of health and healing.

I begin by closing my eyes and placing my hands above my client ( who Is laying eyes closed relaxed on the Healing Couch ) and allow the Angels to draw me to the areas they feel need healing. Interestingly I feel drawn strongly to the heart Charkra and I know he has been upset lately about needing to lay off some staff that were under performing but had literally forgotten about this aspect until then as was expecting to be drawn to the hip and lower back area that I know he has been suffering from lately.

Both myself and Mr X feel the energy healing soft buzzing type feel but also sense and feel a loving calm that he is the first to mention and seems to come In strong waves as I move around his Chakras. Most of this healing seems to be guided to the heart chakra but I also feel a strong guidance towards a overall laying of the hands ( running my hands over his entire body at about a 1" height above ) and the energy buzz is quite intense. At times he mentions and laughs about this as he claims It Is stronger then in past healings. I too sense a new energy but to be honest cannot place It entirely past a loving strong calm.

I continue to move around him performing the healing and allowing the angels to work with me and through me at all times by thanking them for their help each step along the way and asking them to continue to work closely with me on this healing ( I do this silently not aloud ).

I end up not using the crystals In this healing as I was not drawn to them by the Angels and for the first time working on my client over the last year or so did not feel drawn to any particular crystal.  It will be interesting to see if the next 2 sessions he has booked will be the same situation or if Crystals will play a role in the Healing again.

The session comes to a close and I offer him some Herbal tea to sip on as he slowly sits up on the coach and re-grounds himself. We have run well over by about 10-15 minutes and I will start his Clairvoyant Reading after giving him about 5 minutes to reground as we discuss how he felt the healing went so far. He Is very happy with the healing so far and says he definitely felt feelings he has not In earlier sessions.

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