Thursday, 14 May 2015

Indian Head Massage - Case Study

Indian Head Massage 

Case study 

He has frequent earache and wax build up. He has previously gone to see GP and was given drops to use on both ears daily but according to the client, these did not seem to help much, if at all. The client hasn’t tried ear candling before and is intrigued to see whether the treatment is able to give relief to the dull ache has has in both ears. On checking, the client’s ears seemed clear on the surface, no broken skin or contraindications to prohibit treatment. The ear canal did seem to have quite a bit of wax in them but nothing outside of normal range. No tenderness when massaging around the ear area. Client mentioned having sinusitis frequently a few years ago, and thinks his ears and nose haven’t recovered fully since that time - though he wasn’t clear on dates, etc. I went through all contraindications with the client to ensure there was nothing that would prohibit the client from experiencing ear candling, but all seemed to be fine. The client also mentioned being a little worried about a flame being so close to his face, so I decided to use a towel with hole in to cover the client and ensure his safety.

I started by relaxing the client using facial massage techniques - held acupressure points around the face but did not use oils at this point because of the client’s aforementioned worry of a flame being so close to his face. I thought it better to save using oils until after the ear candling massage of lymphatics, purely for the client’s peace of mind. Having seen that the client’s ears were clear on both sides, I recommended the client have an ear candling treatment once every two weeks, or more when ears were feeling particularly unbalanced for the next few months. Depending on the client’s reaction to the treatment, if the client gets relief from the ear candling I would recommend once monthly sessions once his earache and wax build up is under control.

I covered the client’s head with a towel, leaving a small hole for the candle to be inserted into the ear. Inserted a standard ear candle into the left ear canal first, making sure that it filled the ear canal. I asked the client if he felt comfortable and then lit the ear candle, using both hands to steady the candle during burning. I then put both hands at the base of the exposed candle to keep the candle steady in the ear. The client said the candle felt nice and warm in his ear and remained silent throughout. When the candle hand burned down to the 2/3s line I removed it from the clients ear and put it out in a glass of cold water. I then gently massaged around the area again before asking the client to turn his head to the right side.

I then repeated this on the right ear. I covered the client’s head with a towel again, leaving a small hole for the candle to be inserted into the ear. Inserted the standard ear candle into the right ear canal first, making sure that it filled the ear canal. I asked the client if he felt comfortable, and readjusted the candle slightly. I then lit the ear candle, using both hands to steady the candle during burning. I then put both hands at the base of the exposed candle to keep the candle steady in the ear. The client said the candle felt okay, slightly warmer than the previous candle. When the candle had burned down to the 2/3s line I removed it from the client’s ear and put it out in a glass of cold water. I then gently massage around the ear area again before asking the client to turn his head to neutral.

I then massaged the client’s face using holistic facial techniques. At this point I introduced the use of orange oil which is good for dry skin and very uplifting for the client - both of which will be helpful to my client. Whilst massaging the client’s face, he asked for a tissue and blew his nose quite hard. He said he felt like a cold was coming on - which may have been his lymphatic drainage waking up to get rid of some of the excess mucous and toxin build up left over from this sinusitis.

I asked the client how he was feeling the day after treatment and he said he was feeling particularly nasal - with head cold symptoms. However, his earache seemed to be subsiding. I will continue to work with this client weekly until the earache is under control. Once balance in both ears has returned, I have recommended the client have a treatment every month to six weeks.

The candles I used in the initial treatment were unscented

Please note all clients are requested after treatment to drink plenty of water to help eliminate toxins. 


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